Re-powered in July/August of 2014, the Tas Ports owned and operated pilot vessel "TAMAR" was originally powered by a pair of Cummins 6CTA series engines. The new 6CXBM-GT(M) series engines in conjunction with the Twin Disc "QuickShift" transmissions have given the vessel a new lease of life. Top speed and mid-range cruise speeds are all up on original performance numbers and the crew have reported that the engines, as well as the drive line are a lot smoother and quieter.
Application: Commercial - Pilot Boat
Vessel Construction: GRP
Vessel Name: Tamar
Length (LWL / LOA): 12.5 metres / 13.2 metres
Weight: 14,000 kgs
Engine: YANMAR 2 x 6CXBM-GT (M)
Engine Power Rating: 294kW (400mhp) @ 2500 RPM
Drive configuration: Shaft with Fixed Pitch Propeller
Gear Ratio and Model: 2.04:1 / Twin Disc MGX-5065-A x 2
Electronic Control Type: Twin Disc EC300
Top Speed: 24.4 knots
Propeller Size: 26” x 28”’x 4 Blades
Disclaimer: Power Equipment provides this Performance Report for general information only. This data is accurate only as to the exact date, time and specifications set out in this Report. YANMAR makes no warranties as to the performance or fuel consumption of any boat equipped with a Yanmar engine as numerous factors affect actual performance of an engine.